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Kids in Art Class

MK 2024 Holiday Children's Picture Book Creation Camp 1



11:00 AM - 13:00 PM


Ground F/ 101 Moray St, South Melbourne

A Bit About Me

Drawing and storytelling are the origins of human culture, and all creativity stems from them. As the AI era unfolds, how can we ensure that children are not replaced by artificial intelligence in the future? Creativity is the key distinction between humans and machines, and it is crucial to nurture the boundless creativity in children. Picture book creation, which combines drawing and storytelling, is an ideal way to spark creativity. We have specially invited picture book art and children's education expert, Mr. Wu Di, to lead this course and guide children into a world filled with creativity and imagination.

The MK2024 Holiday Children's Picture Book Creation Camp, meticulously organized by MKF, features Mr. Wu Di as the instructor, aiming to provide children with a platform to foster creative thinking and artistic expression. Through professional guidance, children will learn how to conceptualize, create, and complete their own picture books, fully unleashing their imagination and storytelling abilities. They will experience the joy of creation while crafting their own unique works. After the camp, if children wish to continue with our long-term courses, outstanding works will be produced by MKF and officially published by Rainbow Dragon Publishing.





Mentor Introduction

  • Founder of Rainbow Dragon Publishing in Australia

  • Director of the Picture Book Art Museum in Beijing, China

  • Senior Expert in Children's Artistic Innovation, appointed by the Beijing Foreign Experts Bureau

  • Member of the China Artists Association

  • Master's degree from the Central Academy of Fine Arts

  • Master of Arts from the University of New South Wales, Australia

  • Published nearly 20 picture books in Australia

  • Winner of the Book of the Year Illustration Award

  • 澳洲彩虹龙出版社创始人

  • 中国北京绘本美术馆馆长

  • 北京外国专家局聘请儿童艺术创新力资深专家

  • 中国美术家协会会员

  • 中央美院硕士研究生

  • 澳洲新南威尔士大学艺术硕士

  • 在澳洲出版过近20本绘本

  • 获得Book of the year插图奖

MK2024 Holiday Children's Picture Book Creation Camp - 4-Day Agenda

01 Oct 2024, 11:00- 13:00

02 Oct 2024, 11:00- 13:00

03 Oct 2024, 11:00- 13:00

04 Oct 2024, 11:00- 13:00

Day 1: Character & Story Concept

  • Introduction & Camp Goals: Brief introduction in both English and Chinese, explaining the picture book creation process.

  • Imagining Your Story's Hero: Through guided questions and interactive games, children will imagine and create their main character, including the appearance, personality, and special abilities.

  • Character Design & Story Setup: Kids will begin sketching their characters and outlining the background story.

Day 1: 角色与故事构思

  • 中英文介绍与营地目标:简短的开场介绍,向孩子们说明绘本创作的基本流程。

  • 想象自己故事中的主人公:通过引导式提问和互动游戏,帮助孩子们发挥想象,设计他们故事中的主角,包括角色的外貌、个性和特殊技能。

  • 角色设计与基本故事设定:孩子们开始在草稿纸上勾勒出自己的主角形象,并思考角色的背景故事。

Day 2: Setting Creation & Story Development

  • Imagining the Story Setting: Using visual prompts and discussions, children will imagine the setting where their story takes place, determining the time and location.

  • Story Framework: Kids will write a basic outline of the story, including the beginning, conflict, and resolution.

  • Preliminary Scene Drawing: Children will sketch their imagined settings, beginning to bring the story’s backdrop to life through art.

Day 2: 场景创作与故事展开

  • 想象故事场景:通过视觉引导、图片展示和讨论,帮助孩子们构想故事发生的场景,确定故事的时间和地点。

  • 故事情节框架:孩子们开始为他们的故事编写情节大纲,包括故事的开头、冲突和解决。

  • 场景绘制初步尝试:孩子们将他们的场景想象在纸上通过绘画表达,初步呈现故事背景。

Day 3: Story Details & Illustration Design

  • Enriching Story Details: Children will be guided to further refine their story by adding more dialogue, actions, and details.

  • Illustration Design: Kids will create key scene illustrations, learning how to express emotions and plot twists through their drawings.

Day 3: 故事细节与插图设计

  • 丰富故事细节:鼓励孩子们通过问题引导进一步细化他们的故事情节,加入更多对话和动作,丰富故事内容。

  • 插图设计:孩子们为他们的故事绘制重要的场景插图,学习如何通过绘画表达故事情感和情节转折。

Day 4: Picture Book Cover & Back Cover Design first version

  • Cover Design: A brief introduction on how to design a book cover, including title placement and showcasing the main character. Kids will then start designing their own book covers.

  • Back Cover Design: Learning how to create a back cover, including a short story synopsis or author bio.

  • Presentation & Sharing: Children will present their covers, back covers, and illustrations, sharing their creative process.

Day 4: 绘本封面与封底设计初稿

  • 绘本封面设计:讲解封面设计的基本要素,包括标题、主角形象展示等。孩子们开始设计自己绘本的封面。

  • 绘本封底设计:学习如何设计封底,包括简单的故事简介或作者介绍。

  • 作品展示与分享:孩子们展示他们的封面、封底和插图设计,并分享他们的创作过程。

Materials Needed


We look forward to guiding your child through this experience, helping them enhance

Young Painter

Enhanced Creativity and Imagination

Children will learn how to channel their imagination into tangible creations through drawing and storytelling.



Improved Storytelling Skills


Children will learn how to channel their imagination into tangible creations through drawing and storytelling.


Nature Inspired Fabrics

Artistic Expression


Kids will gain valuable drawing skills and learn how to express emotions and narratives through illustrations.


Student Presenting

Confidence and a Sense of Achievement

Completing their own picture book will build confidence and give them a sense of accomplishment.



Publishing Opportunity


Outstanding works may be produced by MKF and officially published by Rainbow Dragon Publishing, providing a platform for children to showcase their talent.


International Exhibition Opportunity

Exceptional works will have the chance to be featured in international exhibitions, giving children the opportunity to showcase their creativity to a global audience.


Kids in Art Class

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MK 2024 Holiday Children's Picture Book Creation Camp

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